這段TED影片中對於身體姿勢對個人的影響有很清楚的講解和應用。不過這是在2012年的演講,在這幾年間Amy Cuddy(影片講者)也補充了關於目前此類研究的進展,可點此。 大概的意思是對於身體姿勢是否影響賀爾蒙(睪固酮、可體松)仍是有爭論的,不過她還是強調自己的研究結果證實肢體表現對心理感覺是有幫助的。(她本身的故事很令人動容,建議可看完影片)
TED: So what is the power posing effect?
AC: I now refer to this general phenomenon as the “postural feedback effect,” but if I am choosing just one effect – one outcome — the key finding is simple: adopting expansive postures causes people to feel more powerful…. . What’s absolutely clear from the studies is that adopting expansive poses increases people’s feelings of power and confidence. …As Columbia University professor Adam Galinsky and colleagues wrote in a 2016 review, a person’s “sense of power … produces a range of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological consequences,” including improved executive functioning, optimism, creativity, authenticity, the ability to self-regulate and performance in various domains, to name a handful.
Amy Cuddy的主要發現在於採取擴張的身體姿態會使人感覺到有自信的。另一份2016的研究則指出個體知覺自己是否強大會影響其認知、情緒與行為結果。
this vein, the second postural feedback effect is more like a constellation of
effects, supported by dozens of studies, and it is this: adopting expansive postures seems to activate the behavioral approach
system. A bit of background: Two systems are believed to
drive most human feelings, thoughts, behaviors and even physiology — approach
and avoidance (i.e., inhibition). When our approach system is activated, we are happier, more optimistic,
more confident, more creative, more likely to take action, more likely to seek
rewards and opportunities, more physically energetic and less inhibited, among
other things. Activation of the inhibition systems leads to the opposite
effects. According to the well-established approach/inhibition theory of
power, power activates the approach system, whereas powerlessness activates the
inhibition system.
採取擴張身體姿態則會啟動「行為趨近系統(behavioral approach system)」(研究指出有兩種會驅動人們感覺、思考、行為甚至心理狀態的系統─趨近與迴避系統),在行為趨近系統啟動的情況下,我們會感到較快樂、樂觀導向,自信與創意,更願意採取行動,尋求獎賞和機會、感到身體有活力與較少感到害羞。
When we look at the complete collection of published
experiments on adopting expansive versus
contractive postures — there are 57 studies from more than 100 researchers
— we can see a pattern of feelings,
thoughts and behaviors that represent
the behavioral approach system, such as
performance in stressful situations, motivation, flexibility/rigidity of
beliefs, ability to remember positive/negative words, ability to be focused and
present, interest in learning new things, physical strength, assertiveness,
mood and leadership behavior, among other related outcomes.
But it will be critical to examine each of
these individual effects in greater detail, through replication attempts, and
in different contexts. Surely, results will be nuanced and mixed, with some
effects proving to be more robust than others.